Friday. 03 May 2019

Workshop on Local Energy Communities – 15 May 2019 in Brussels

The workshop “Local Energy Communities – Exploring Research, Technologies and Regulations for their Implementation in Europe” will take place on 15 May 2019 in Brussels at the VLEVA Auditorium (Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, 1000 Bruxelles), free of charge.

The event is organised by the H2020 projects MUSE GRIDS, COMPILE, MERLON and STORY, which are all producing research activities on the implementation of local energy communities and the exploitation of smart energy systems.

Moreover, the 4 projects are all involved in the BRIDGE initiative and active in the topics of Energy Communities & Self-consumption and Replicability.

The event will foresee a keynote speech from Jan Steinkohl of the European Commission; the presentation of the projects; a panel discussion on “Integrating technologies for local energy communities and an afternoon workshop with 4 round tables on specific topics related to the implementation of local energy communities (Technology; Regulation; Social Acceptance; Economics). Speakers include Torsten Knop, Head of European Regulation/Projects of Innogy; Leen Peeters, Managing Director of Th!nk E; Jure Ratej, Head of Research of ETREL and Tomas Kosicky, Head of Electrical Engineering at CellCube.

You can find more information, including agenda and registration form, at the following link:

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